The Second Miracle

The MIRACLE OF FATHER JUSTIN was recognized by Pope Francis

The Postulation of the Cause presented to the Congregation for the canonization of Blessed Father Justin Maria Russolillo, the story of Jean Emile, a young Vocationist seminarian. Emile was healed from generalized and prolonged tonic-chronic seizures, epileptic condition, coma, serious rhabdomyolysis, pneumonia ab ingestis, and acute respiratory failure through the intercession of Blessed Father Justin.

Jean Emilie Rasolofo was born in Madagascar in 1984. He was resident in the community of Quarto of Naples, Italy. On the evening of April 15, 2016, Jean Emilie suffered a severe headache after dinner. On the following day, he was absent from the morning religious prayers at the Lodi, and for supper later in the day. A brother found him on the floor in his chamber in a pool of his own blood. He was urgently transported to the Emergency Room of the Civil Hospital in Pozzuoli, where he arrived unconscious. He was intubated and subjected to assisted breathing. On April 18, his clinical condition was extremely serious.

Warned of Jean Emilie’s serious condition by his doctors, the Superior General sent a message to all Vocationists asking for prayers to Father Justin for the healing of that young man. He sent a five-language plea together with Jean Emilie’s picture to religious of the Congregation worldwide. He asked them to pray in every community and parish the novena to the Blessed Founder for the healing of the young religious. On April 18, 2016, a Vocationist brother brought the image of Blessed Father Justin with his relic to Jean Emilie’s hospital room. The individual and community prayers resulted in an unexpectedly quick positive result.

On April 21, Jean Emilie’s clinical conditions improved rapidly, and he was out of the coma state. His hospital release took place on May 3, 2016. He was completely healed without after-effects.

The Ordinary Congregation of Bishops and Cardinals, members of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints, has recognized the miracle of the cure of Jean Emile to be attributed to Blessed Father Justin.

With this last step, we consider completing the process of canonization. We now wait for Pope Francis to authorize the publication of the decree that will officially recognize this miracle to be through the intercession of our beloved founder. The wait is shortening, the time for Blessed Justin so dreamed canonization is closer.

In everything and for everything,

God be praised and glorified!