of Maasin, Island of Leyte
The mission in the Philippines was opened by Rev. Fr. Nicola Martino, S.D.V. in the year 1998, in Mati, Davao Oriental with the invitation of Most. Rev. Patricio Alo, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Mati.
In 2001, we opened our Formation House in Davao City for our students of Philosophy and Theology who are studying in St. Francis Xavier College Seminary (minor and major). And in 2007, we opened our Novitiate House in Maasin So, Leyte.
At the present we have 8 Filipino priests ordained and many more in line.

SDV Holy Trinity Formation House
Monte Maria Subd. Phase2 Annex “A”
Catalunan Grande, Davao City, Philippines
It is our house of formation for young men who desire to serve God in priesthood and religious life. It is for students of philosophy and theology. We also call it a “Vocationary,” our special characteristic service in the Church.

Divine Union Novitiate House
Purok Tugas, Brgy. Lib-og, Maasin City, So. Leyte
This is our house for the novices. It serve also as a place for spiritual recollection and retreats.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Pre-College Seminary
Tua. Tua Road, Matiao, Mati City, Davao oriental
It is our house for discernments for young people who are reflecting to take a path of following the Lord to the priesthood and religious life.
The Vocationist Fathers in the Philippines had the joy to see some of its fruits for the ordination of Rev. Fr. Diony Torrentera on December 6, 2011 in San Isidro Labador Parish in Davao City. Another Filipino priest, Rev. Fr. Hermogenes Sargado, was ordained in Indonesia in November of 2011. On May of 2012, eight of our postulants were admitted to novitiate, eight novices to the first vows and eight professed brothers also renewed their vows. Thanks be to God. Our Bro. professed Andres Aragon Jr. was ordained deacon in Italy in May 31, 2012.

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Phillippines, please send us an email to
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website of the Vocationist Fathers in the Philippines