The rose at the ciborium
Blessed Father Justin in his countless writings has left us glimpses of high poetry as in this passage. He taught us to place a rose to guard the tabernacle so that it is the symbol of the spousal relationship of every soul with God. Vocationists today continue this practice which has become part of Vocationist spirituality.
An eager rose languishes by the ciborium leaf through in love!
And in that rose there is the bride soul than in his divine torment of love
close to Jesus is heart to heart!
Near the ciborium a lamp shines and in that lamp there is the intimate flame of love of my heart …
At the ciborium the incense vaporizes with an intense perfume …
I see the altar! A cloud envelops it….
I see the ciborium enclosed in flames as on Horeb, as on Tabor!