Blessed Father Justin Vocationary

“A Vocationary,” Father Justin himself said, “is a religious house where, in a spirit of prayer and study, we educate and guide, free of charge, candidates who wish to dedicate themselves to a life of service to the Lord, but who are not oriented yet towards diocesan priesthood or religious congregations.“
Therefore, a Vocationist, both in his daily activities, in schools, parishes and missions and in the exercise of his ministry will give his apostolate the special dimension of endeavoring to identify young men with signs of a divine call to a special life of personal holiness and service to others and guide them toward a Vocationary for further evaluation and strengthening of their vocations.
In the Vocationary, candidates study, pray and discern first of all the authenticity of their calling, under the guidance of the Vocationist Fathers; simultaneously, they are slowly introduced to an adequate knowledge and appreciation of a life of service either in diocesan priesthood or in a religious congregation.
Those who continue showing signs of Divine Call while living in a Vocationary have an opportunity of being exposed more deeply both to the life and ministry of a diocesan priest and to the mission and charisma of the main religious congregations in the Church. Once a candidate reaches his final decision, the Vocationist Fathers make the necessary contact with the diocese or religious congregation that a given candidate has chosen and recommend him to the care of its superiors.
Those who choose to join the Vocationist Fathers will make the application and follow the usual steps of the formation process.
Admission & Formation of Candidates
Candidates seeking admission in the Society of Divine Vocations must have a very strong desire to serve God and His people.
. One must have the ability and the inclination to work in vocation ministry.
. One must have completed at least his high school education.
. Be in good health, be a baptized and confirmed Catholic and be free from canonical impediments.
. Upon completing the admission process an individual may be accepted into the community as a candidate.
. After a short period of candidacy, one will start the postulancy (Pre-Novitiate). This is followed by one year of novitiate, after which the candidate takes temporary vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for one year. These vows are renewed annually. At the end of three years in temporary vows, one will take perpetual vows.
Candidates for the priesthood must also obtain a college degree and attend four years of theological studies before ordination.
The Blessed Father Justin Vocationary is located at
90 Brooklake Road in Florham Park, NJ.
It is the headquarters of the
For more information, please call the Vocationary at 973-966-6262