Relic of Blessed Fr. Justin

Since the order of the Society of Divine Vocations was founded, it reached many people in different countries around the world and only four years ago a community in the UK, Holywell in the diocese of Wrexham was opened. After their arrival the order sent some students to do their studies at Oscott College, at the moment there are four.

Thanks to the presence of the Vocationist both in Holywell and in Oscott, Blessed Justin’s spirituality has been appreciated by more and more people. On the day of his ordination Fr. Justin made a vow to found a religious order which would help young men to be priests but had no means. During a recent visit of Mgr. Mark Crisp, Rector of Oscott College, to the places of Blessed Justin in Italy, he was given a of the newly blessed which was officially received into the Chapel on Saturday, 26 November.

A Mass was celebrated for this special occasion by Fr. Salvatore Musella, S.D.V., Superior of the Vocationist community in Holywell. During his homily he described how the Blessed Justin was always keen on visiting seminaries and he said that “By welcoming this relic, it seems as if Blessed Justin continues his visit to seminaries and is still talking to priests, seminarians and lay people.” Fr. Salvatore also reminded us, in the words of Blessed Justin, that a priest is fully-so only if he is able to give new priests to the Church. “In the same way the plant-priest will produce many things in the various ecclesiastical jobs, in the various works of apostolate, in the various priestly ministries, in the various cultural branches, but the main thing that is most expected, the aim of every action it does, its proper fruit is the priest, the fruit-priest given by the plant-priest.” Thanks to Fr Justin, hundreds of young men who lived, and live, in poor areas are preparing for the priesthood in various Houses of Formation.

Thousands of young people are receiving a solid Christian in the schools run by Vocationist Fathers and Sisters, and many people are made aware of and helped in their response to the vocations to holiness. Thanks to Fr. Justin, hundreds of young men who lived, and live, in poor areas are preparing for the priesthood in various Houses of Formation. Fr. Salvatore Musella, S.D.V., on behalf of the Vocationist Fathers said that “The whole order is overjoyed that this of Blessed Justin Russolillo should be present in Oscott for public veneration and personal prayer in the company of other saints’ relics. It is our [Vocationist Order] earnest desire that Blessed Justin obtain for you every grace needed for your holy formation in this holy house; the gift of perseverance to God’s vocation for you, and an answer to your prayers for healing for yourselves and your families and your friends whether in mind, soul or body.”