Miracle of Blessed Fr. Justin

On December 18, 1997, Pope John Paul II officially declared that Fr. Justin had practiced the Christian Virtues in a heroic manner and was therefore raised to the dignity of title of “Venerable.”

In 1998, Gaetanina Ida Meloro of East Hanover, New Jersey, USA, was miraculously cured of cancer after she prayed to Fr. Justin and asked to be cured through his intercession. After an exhaustive investigation by the Church, Pope Benedict XVI signed the Decree of Validity that recognized the miracle as true on July 1, 2010.

As a result of this miracle,on May 7, 2011, Fr. Justin was beatified and given the title and honor of “Blessed”.

Ida Meloro

Click here to read the history of Ms. Ida Meloro’s miraculous cure by the intercession of Blessed Fr. Justin Russolillo.