To become a Catholic priest you must first start as a “candidate”, and a candidate should fulfill some necessary requirements.
He must:

. have the ability and the inclination to work in vocation ministry;
. be male, single, with at least his high school education;
. be in good health;
. be a baptized and confirmed Catholic;
. and be free from canonical impediments.

Upon completing the admission process an individual may be accepted into the community as a Candidate. After a short period of candidacy, he will start the Postulancy. This is followed by one year of Novitiate, after which the candidate takes temporary vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for one year. These vows are renewed annually. At the end of three years in temporary vows, he will take perpetual vows.

Candidates for the priesthood must also obtain a college degree and attend four years of theological studies before his Priesthood Ordination.

If God called you …

… and you are interested in becoming a Catholic priest as a member of the VOCATIONIST FATHERS. Or if you are a woman and would like to be a nun as a VOCATIONIST SISTER or a VOCATIONIST APOSTLE OF UNIVERSAL SANCTIFICATION, please fill out the form below. 
A Vocationist priest, Vocation Director, will promptly contact you.

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    Address (required)

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