The Congregation of the Vocationist Fathers with the election of Fr. Antonio Rafael do Nascimento, S.D.V., as Superior General has decided to trust in his leadership, his proven track record and missionary experience as Assistant General of the Missions, obtained in the preceding governments of the Congregation.
The thoughts of all the faithful vocation promoters are with him. The most sincere wishes to carry out its mandate with kindness, energy, determination and Justinian spirit, comforted by the collaboration of the entire congregation, supported by the protection of our beloved founder, of the SS. Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.
Devotees of Blessed Fr. Justin and faithful vocation promoters are confident the new Father General will continue his good work. The restructuring of the Vocationary and the Vocationist’s Mother House, after the expansion of the Congregation in the world, the structural renewal and introduction of the Italian Province for the great event of the Beatification of our Founder, under the guidance of Fr Louis Caputo, S.D.V., receive now even more, his personal impulse to achieve more ambitious goals and the further development of the Congregation in the world.
Fr. Antonio Rafael do Nascimento was born in the city of Pau dos Ferros, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil in 1963. He made his first vows in 1984, and perpetual vows in 1988. He carried out his philosophical and theological education in the faculty of Rio de Janeiro, run by the Benedictines. Ordained a priest in Plain, Naples in 1990, he returned to Brazil where, for several years, he served as Vocation Director, Educator and Pastor.
He returned to Italy in 2004 to obtain his license in Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University in Rome Teresianum in 2006. That same year he was elected at the XIII General Chapter, Assistant General for the Missions. He served as Councillor for the Missions of the many countries served by the Vocationist Fathers.
His charismatic presence conquered the trust and love of those he touched. From now on, all the lay people, and especially those who live and work promoting vocations, are ready to pray with Very Rev. Antonio do R. Nascimento, S.D.V., to give their collaboration, serious, sincere and faithful, in view of the desired Canonization of Fr. Justin.